Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend


This is my second Mother's Day--technically. Carter was still in the womb last year, but I needed an excuse to get that really cool Lounge Lizard Chair I wanted so badly, so I played the Mother's Day card!
Well this year Brad did a great job with a Mother's Day gift! He got me a membership to a spa here in Denver and I get to go once a month for a massage! WAAAHHOOO!!! I went Saturday for my first massage! She told me I need to come about every other day for the next 3 weeks to get all of the muscles working again in my back...just to let you know the extent of my stress! Although I am not sure why I am stressed.
So Carter had some huge milestones yesterday ! I am sure Friday will have it's own page in the scrapbook..."May 9th!" Let's see, she began the day by discovering a new sound "ddd" and "ggg". Before it had only been "ahh hah!", which now we can get her to do on command. So all day she was saying "day day day gay gay agy ady" And then it changed to "gay day" which we interpreted as "Happy Day". I think she was trying to tell me Happy Mother's Day but just couldn't say "Mother" yet!! When Brad got home from work we were practicing walking as we always do in the afternoon and she took a step without us holding on to her. She fell immediately after her foot hit, but we called it a step! When I was cooking dinner she decided to come help and proceeded to pull the pots out of the cabinet. Her favorite thing in the kitchen now is the colander (hmmm...not sure about spelling, but you know the thing with the holes in it!) We now have installed baby stopper thingys on our cabinets!
We went to the Denver Zoo today for the first time! It was super nice weather here today(although is is going to snow Tuesday =( yuck)! Carter had fun, Brad and I might have had more fun though! We bought a zoo membership, which means Carter and I may go every week this summer!
Here are some pictures from our Mother's Day weekend and last weekend at the Rockies baseball game!

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